I'm horrible. I've been mulling over what I was gonna write in this post for days. Even though I don't think this post is going to live up to my expectations of my ideas, I'm going to try. The concert was incredible! I still havent downloaded the pictures to my laptop yet so I can't show you any pictures. I hope everyone's Fourth of July was amazing. Mine was okay. On the third, I went with my family to a friend's house. They were having a party and then they set off fireworks on the beach.[I'll show you pictures of the fireworks too.] Hmm... I just blanked out. Oh, I wanted to thank my followers! All three of you! But most of all, I would like to thank one special follower of mine, Lauren from Someone Like You. You've been so so nice to me, and it means a lot.
I'll post soon with hopefully a much much better post than this one of course didn't live up to my expectations.
Do they ever? Whenever I have expectations I am always disappointed. Oh Well.